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Ivan Tuttle older man in suit




“Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Acts 2:38

Ivan Tuttle book cover From Hell to Heaven

A Journey to Hell, Heaven, and Back

In 1978, Ivan Tuttle was living a carefree life, going from one party to the next, from one high to another—when his fun, free life was interrupted by a pain in his leg.

Doctors told him he had a dangerous blood clot in his leg—but Ivan didn’t pay much attention to that. He was 26 and felt fine; blood clots were a problem for his grandfather, not him. Until the clock ran out.

Ivan Tuttle suddenly found himself dragged down to hell for a horrifying lesson in the reality of eternity. He was spared and even saw Heaven before being sent back to earth with quite a story to tell.

Learn more about Ivan here: Ivan Tuttle Ministries

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