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A.W. Tozer (Deep Thinker)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 03:50
Amy Charmicheal (Missionary to India)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 05:40
Charles Spurgeon (Prince of Preachers)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 05:22
Corrie Ten Boom (Fighting Nazis)Artist Name
00:00 / 06:31
John Wesley (Revivalist)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 04:32
Jim Elliot (Martyred Missionary)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 03:29
Jonathan Edwards (Reformer)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 05:12
Smith Wigglesworth (Healing Evangelist)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 03:54
William Booth (Salvation Army Founder)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 04:13


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What is the Show??

  1. Short True-Life Stories (Testimonies)

  2. Brief Biographies (Heavyweights of the faith)

I found Jesus thumbnail
Heavyweights of the Faith
David Wilkerson (Country to NYC!)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 05:29
Elisabeth Elliot (Grace After Loss)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 05:43
C.S. Lewis (The Lion of the Pen)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 04:52

What is the Show NOT!

  1. Long Interviews (We don't do that!)

  2. Monologues & current events (Not us either)

Blah Blah Blah

Listen to the Show Here!

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Billy Graham (World Wide Evangelist)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 06:40
Lillian Trasher (Missionary to Egypt)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 04:02
Thomas Dorsey (Father of Gospel Music)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 06:29
Oswald Chambers (My Utmost for His Highest)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 04:57
Norman Geisler (The Logical Apologist)Think Twice TV
00:00 / 05:31

Listen to our Podcast:

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